“Wedding Season” Review: Families and Future’s

Take it from a South Asian, weddings are not. fun. They bring too many people and too many aunties- yes, I choose to believe that aunties and people are not the same, considering only one of them has a soul. On the other hand, it also feels like a year’s worth of drama, people pleasing, gossiping, smiling (unwillingly), and food consumed within two weeks.

If you’re young like me, it’s also a time when people believe they have the right to question every decision you’ve ever made. So when you’re studying, they question your education and tell you how well their kids did. If you’re in a relationship, they ask you the date and time of every next step you plan. Oh, and don’t worry, they’ll tell you what they think. every. single. time.

Because of this, Netflix’s Wedding Season made every person cry, laugh, and scream. The movie is more than just hating weddings and aunties; it’s also about your chosen path. It’s about standing on your terms while being there for your family, even if your dreams aren’t in line with theirs.

The movie also accurately depicts the number of weddings South-Asian people attend. But, honestly, the pandemic slowed it down for a bit. I mean, now I say I don’t want to go, but weddings are pain, rinse, and repeat.




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